

Kat Giunta

Are you tired of swiping through countless profiles, only to find out that the person you thought you were clicking with isn’t actually who they say they are? Or being ghosted after a good conversation on a dating app? It’s time to try GhostGuard, an app designed for safe dating. I conducted research on online dating, recorded my peer’s experiences in surveys, and designed a dating app based on user experience and feedback.

GhostGuard is different from other dating apps because we put safety and authenticity before anything else. A more secure verification process was implemented to make sure every profile is a real person. GhostGuard also provides tools and resources to help you stay safe while dating, such as in-app safety tips and a few other features such as the ability to remove yourself from a situation you don’t feel safe in with the click of a button. I hope that all users of GhostGuard experience safer online dating, and a more fulfilling experience.